
from the mind of critic-7/29/17

From the mind of critic: If we could all attest to the benefits that workers and unions have fought for over the years, how come we let our voices be silenced, by letting unions fall apart and get demonized? Was fighting for workers rights like the moon landing, where we made this great accomplishement a few times, figured it was good enough, and so moved on to allegedly bigger and better things? Was our will weaker than the business leaders who just had to wait out the battle, because they knew sooner than later we’d have to pay bills? Was our will actually stronger, but because after a few victories we became complacent and apathetic, the union busters were able to chip away, until our victories were barely recognizable? Without unions and the hard fought, bloody and violent battles our parents and grandparents took part in, we wouldn’t have weekends off, paid sick days, maternity leave, berevement leave, overtime and holiday pay, child labor laws, and a plethora of product and workplace safety regulations. If we don’t care about those things, that is our right as Americans, and we don’t have to support unions. However, if we care one iota about being treated like a human being in the workplace, we must keep our voice strong, by sustaining our fight as long as it takes, for all of us to get what we deserve. Cause if we think that businesses will give us the benefits we deserve out of the goodness of their hearts, there’s some ocean front property in Arizona we’d be interested in. If unions are made up of our voices, and unions are painted as evil, are we going to let ourselves be labeled as evil, or are we going to do something about it?” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/21/17

From the mind of critic: “If the whole is only equal to the sum of its parts, how can we not sweat the small stuff? If we’re suppossed to pay attention to the bigger picture, how can we if we neglect all the things that make up that bigger picture? Do we hang on to all of life’s little moments, hoping they’ll never end out of fear they’ll never come back? Does the tightness of our grip, change a moment’s inherent meaning? We’ve all heard the cliche don’t sweat the small stuff, that to succeed in life we have to pay attention to the bigger picture. The keyword in theat phrase isn’t small stuff, it’s sweat. Taking it a step further, we shouldn’t sweat the bigger picture either. Once we realize that being in the moment, and enjoying or dreading those moments for what they are by seeing how everything is interconnected, we’ll understand that life is a constant letting go process of what doesn’t serve us. We as humans become equal to the sum of our parts, when consciousness flows through us with the power of our determined soul.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/20/17

From the mind of critic: :If what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, do world record holding weight lifters have to endure immense persecution, racism, hate, violence, ethnic cleansing or disasters specifically so they can break records? Do we become strong, by overcoming what we didn’t think we could? Do we become weak, by staying neutral when we know we could act? Do we become enlightenened, by keeping everything on a case by case basis? We all have adversity to overcome, obstacles to get past and goals we want to acheive. Gaining life experience through testing our character, is how we build character. That creation will serve us throughout our lives, defining who we are, and how we view the world. Can we become strong human beings without going through hardship, sure, but it’s an exception. Once we realize that rules can be exceptions, and exceptions can be norms, we’ll see that unless we’re open to the entirety of life, discernment will dissappear, and we’ll be helpless against the whims of whichever way the wind blows. When we figure out that strength isn’t always physical, our perceptions begin to benefit our soul.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/19/17

From the mind of critic: “If our mind is in an epic battle to balance what’s probable with what’s possible, how do we set acheiveable goals? Do we shoot for the moon, knowing that things become possible when we consciously journey forward? Do we stay reserved, kowing things are only probable when we start at the beginning and work forward, instead of at the end working backward? Do we stay balanced, because we know goals are only acheiveable when we don’t get in our own way? Some of us are more left brained, and some are more right brained. However, if we don’t use our whole brain, we’re not using our brain at all. If critical thinking demands we objectively look at what’s in front of us, then our desicions must be based on our heart and mind, not either or. Once we realize that to discover what’s probable we must first analyze what’s possible, we’ll see that looking at our options, includes expecting new information to appear suddenly, to which we must react. Researching and dreaming make us complete human beings. We acheive balance when probabilities and possibilities merge, revealing their symbiotic relationship with our heart and soul.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/18/17

From the mind of critic: “Is the amount of time it takes for dust to settle, equal to the amount we kick up? Does the speed or power of our kick, make the dust settle slower? Does the determined nature of our constant and repeated dust kicking, cause the dust to permenantly emulsify with the air? Does our fear of dirt keep us from collectively evolving? We all must get our hands dirty from time to time, because change is inevitable. Not being satisfied with the status quo no matter how generationally ingrained it is, shows us where dust needs to be kicked up. We run into problems however, when we know dust needs to be kicked up, but leave it to somebody else, because we think our legs arent strong enough. Once we realize that inaction and non-purposeful action are the enemies of a free society, we’ll see that real change happens with our authentic first steps. Kicking up dust can change the world, as long as we remember it settles back down eventually.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/15/17

From the mind of critic: “If finding somebody to blame for our indescretions is how we sleep at night, are we trying to hide ourselves, from ourselves? Are we scared to be honest, because we’d have to endure short term pain and anguish? Does the idea of being uncomfortable for even a second, feel like the worst pain in the world? Do we put this pain unto others when we put blame on them, while also comforting them so we can play both sides? Accountability is something many people preach, but few practice. We all want others to be straight shooters, and not beat around the bush when saying what they think. We then cut them down by saying their opinions aren’t accurate, and aren’t representative of rational human thought. Once we realize that when we project low self-esteem and ignorance onto somebody, we’re forcing them to picture themselves as negatively as we picture ourselves, we’ll see that not only does scapegoating never solve anything, it creates the cliche of kicking the can down the road. Placing blame moves us backward, and accepting responsibility moves us forward. When making our directional choice, we must remember that united we stand, divided we fall.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/14/17

From the mind of critic: “If we all love to party, how come we insist on partying with like minded people? Do we think that we party way better than those other people, because they don’t know how to have real fun? Do the drinks we have, the food we eat and the games we play ooze more authenticity out of our pinkie, than those other party people have in their whole bodies? Do we comprehend the evolutionary importance of partying with people we don’t agree with? Being a Democrat is not better than being a Republican, is not better than being a Green, a Libertarian etc. If the only reason we’re a party member is to raise money, or to gain support from ingrained swamp rats, then we are the problem. Gaining an advantage over our opponent is normal, selling our soul and stepping on necks to be successful is not. Once we realize that we all want our voices heard, we’ll see that no voice is more important than another, if we still want to live in a Democracy that is. Partying together is always better than partying seperate. When we acheive unity, we wont need to set up parties anymore, because it will be just how life is.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/13/17

From the mind of critic: “If we all know one of the biggest problems we have with garbage is packaging materials, how come we keep buying certain products specifically because of the packaging? Is it bright colors, celebrity endorsements or alleged health benefits displayed that pull us in, regardless of what’s actually in the box? Are we afraid to buy products that don’t look fancy but work better, because we don’t want to be seen using them? We all flock to bright colors and flashing lights because we’re human, and they attract our gaze. Whether it be people, places, events or interactions, if we’re so enamored with physical appearance, hype and rhetoric that truth flies out the window, we’ll be plied with the worst kind of phony filler to keep us satiated. Once we realize for truth in advertising to be effective, we can’t glaze over when it comes time to ask critical questions, we’ll see that being distracted, duped and gullible are reactions we have complete control over, once we slow down to comprehend the reality on the ground. The volume of packaging materials goes up when we’re complacent and apathetic, and goes down when we’re conscious and kind. We’re implored to ask which way will help us collectively evolve.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/12/17

From the mind of critic: “When swimming in a cold river, do we start by dipping our toes in to test the temperature? Do we walk in slowly till the water hits our thighs, while we decide whether we want to jump in or not? Do we feel how cold the water is from the moment it touches our skin? Do we know that if we’re ever going to swim, we have to say screw being uncomfortable in the short run, so we can end up being comfortable doing what we want in the long run? Life can be dark and cold, where all hopes and dreams get swallowed up by the necessity to survive. Life can also be a light and warm place, where all hopes and dreams get lifted up by the necessity to survive? Our perception determines how dark life seems. We must remember it doesn’t have to be dark, only unknown. Once we realize the results of miving forward are always unknown beforehand, we’ll see that our speed of entering life’s journey, is based on our passion for enjoying how good life can be. The water is always cold before we enter it, the length of time the coldness sticks around, is based on our willingness to swim.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/11/17

From the mind of critic: “Since lines are utilized to keep order, and we purposely go outside the lines, are we sewing disorder? If we blur the lines, is it a compromise because we’re only going half as far as we could? If we’re unsatisfied with the lines society has set out, does blurring the lines have the same effect as putting the lines in, which is to sew confusion? Are lines simply an arbitrary means of control thats meant for people to internalize, so they don’t fight back, and begin living the creed, “it is what it is?” The idea of lines are objective, the people who formulate, design and implement the lines are subjective. Powerful and influential people crave more power and influence once they get their first taste. Drug attics always want more drugs, just like business and political leaders always want more power. This act of chasing the dragon is what causes lines to be designed, so a steady stream of supply keeps flowing in. Once we realize these conforming lines only have control over us because we put our faith in them that they do, we’ll see that the more we figure out life with our own critical thinking skills, the less we’ll need lines at all. Lines will show us the control we’re all under, if we open our eyes.” 🙂