from the mind if critic-12/15/17

From the mind of critic: “What do we do when our anger is so hot and sticky, that it melts through our soul? What happens when our sadness is so cold and icy, that it freezes over our soul? What do we do when our emptiness is so barren and gaunt, that we’re a distant reflection of our former selves? Do we stop, refraining from any action whatsoever, so we can curl up in a cocoon as our only safe place? Do we continue losing ourselves a little more each day, simply so we can pay our bills and survive, digging ourselves deeper and deeper, as the paycheck writers grow richer and richer? We all have to work, we all have to do our part. What we don’t have to do, is being treated as not human. I realize that businesses and corporations have profits to worry about, along with bills, insurance and remodeling. What many of them miss is the human factor, the thing that makes them money in the first place. When employees are thought of as commodities and not living breathing humans, they become less happy, less willing to go the extra mile, and much less productive. What compounds matters even more, is when we do recieve human treatment, only to immediately flip due to an ownership change. This makes us question everything, like why the hell am i still here. This emotional roller coaster can break us, and can shrink our soul until we’re an empty shell. Getting rid of anger, sadness, and emptiness, means gathering joy. Which means we have to make changes, no matter how uncomfortable they may be. We can start bringing in joy, when we stop bringing ourselves misery.” 🙂