from the mind of critic-11/15/17

From the mind of critic: “If deflection is our only defense when an accuser comes forward, is guilt imbedded in our brains? Do we believe pointing out others’ wrongs, will take all attention and significance away from ours? Are the rest of us strong enough to point out that deflection only happens, because the guilty party knows their guilty, but believes themselves to be less guily than their accuser? In this severely divided time, some of us are willing to look past obvious crimes in our sides’ politician, because of fear of the other side taking over. This is when we must look in the mirror and ask, if what we’re overlooking in “our guy” happened to “the other guy”, would we ignore it? If the answer is no, then we can’t complain that politics are broken, because we’re the ones weilding the sledgehammer. Deflection is the last resort of a guilty party. Accountability and humanism is how we climb out of the darkness and into the light.” 🙂