from the mind of critic-12/15/17

From the mind of critic: “If we are what we eat, are we what we do, act, think and believe? Does each aspect of our personality define us, making it hard to find a black and white definition? Do we define each aspect of our personality, making every moment, thought and event a possible rewriting of preconceptions? Do we say things like we are what we eat, because saying parts of our personality make up our personality only seems redundant, if we don’t think about why things happen? If we complain about things happening, but don’t ask why they happened, we’ve guaranteed they will happen again, and with greater intensity. Our personalities are formed by our perceptions, which are formed by life experience, which is formed by the society we’ve created. If we want to make positive change, we have to undertsand what goes into creating an environment where that’s a possibility. To lay the foundation for that environment, we must ask critical questions, and be skeptical of easy answers. Our personality is made up of many different parts. If we spend all our time figuring that out, we won’t see all the physical, emotional and spiritual benefits of growing and evolving. Getting stuck on the first step, prevents us from climbing the ladder.” 🙂