from the mind of critic-3/28/18

From the mind of critic: “If we put extreme physical effort into fighting, clawing and inching our way to success, do we believe others need to have conditions just as hard for their success to be authentic? Do we believe othgers who try to make their path to success easier, are just looking for a handout? Do we believe anybody who wants something easy, doesn’t want to try? Is hardwork required for everything, or does smart work prove more useful? Struggling through life is never fun, we could all attest to that. Fighting and clawing for every stinking thing we have, is just as exhausting physically, as it is mentally. We must ask ourselves were we fighting and clawing because we wanted to, or would we have taken an easier path if it was available? Once we realize that if we want our life to be easier, that others do too, we’ll see anger directed toward others for making their lives easier, is really anger at ourselves for not making our lives easier. Hardwork doesn’t guarantee success, but smart work does improve our odds. None of us purposely want to struggle, unless we’re a sadist. If we want to make life better for the next generation, we start by making life better now. Finding success is a universal want, so is an easy path to get there. Making life hard for somebody else, only makes our life harder. Freedom isn’t free of work, it’s free of un-needed hardwork.” 🙂


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