from the mind of critic-4/27/18

From the mind of critic: “If a store is always open, does it get just as many good customers as bad? Does the general attitude of the customers depend on the general attitude of the store, or does it depend on seen or unseen environmental or societal circumstances? Does a store have to always stay open, just for a chance at good customers? Could the store utilize a closed and open balance to draw in good customers? When a store evolves to a point where it’s open all the time, does it have access to all good customers in existence as well as bad, specifically because it’s always open? Being open is the first step in acheiving our dreams, because we’re allowing the oportunities to do so into our routine. This first step is vital, no other steps can be climbed with out climbing the first. However, this act of being open allows negativity to flow in as well, because we’re no longer closed for business. Which brings us to step 2, constructing a filter so we keep the good, leave the bad, and progress forward because we’re leaning the lessons we need to learn. Some of us stumble on this second step, because we forget to erect a filter until it’s to late, which causes the cascading negativity to overpower whatever goodness we contained. We find success by being open, not being a doormat. Pool filters clean out negative particles, so do life filters. Being permanently closed, blocks all goodness from penetrating. No matter how much liars wrap themselves in the truth, communities eventually discover reality. One witness amongst a crowd does not usher truth, when the crowd takes the witnesses word for it.” 🙂
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