from the mind of critic-8/10/18

From the mind of critic: “Does the usefulness of our windshield wipers make us not care about the falling rain, because we can always run out and buy another pair? Does the ease of windsheild wiper procurement, make us take more risks, convincing us nothing can stop us? Are we less careful and pay less attention, when ignorance ingrains an attitude of being able to buy our way out of problems, which makes us feel more important than all the little people? When things break do we ask why, or does the ease of replacement fog over our critical thinking? Rain will fall no matter what we do, or where we live. Our reaction is based on our perception of ourselves, vs. our neighbors. If we only care how the rain effects us, we aren’t gonna care how hard it’s pounding the hell out of our neighbor. CCR asked if we’ve ever seen the rain, and who’ll stop the rain. Once we realize John Foggerty and the boys weren’t talking about physical rain, but descending darkness that will swallow us all no matter where we come from, what we believe or who we love, we’ll see the more conscious we are of what’s happening in front of our face, the more we’ll see what’s causing the rain, and that we can’t stop it, but can slow it by being windsheild wipers for each other. Ignorance is fleeting, mindfulness is everlasting. When it rains on one of us, it rains on all of us. Consciously reacting to the rain, is the first step in slowing it. Rain is important, because it makes the light shine that much brighter.” 🙂
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