from the mind of critic-9/21/17

From the mind of critic: “If great things happen when we least expect them, do terrible things happen when we do expect them ? Do good things happen when we half expect them, and half not? If we have no expectations, how do we know what to strive toward? Knowing, figuring out and moving forward is hard enough, without expecting something to happen. Maybe the idea is honing in on what we want, and building up our soul and light energy so much, that we can’t help but share it with others so they can build themselves up. Once we realize that expectations are based on what’s in our head, instead of the reality of our dreams and actions on the ground, we’ll see that letting go of outcomes will dis-assemble the biggest roadblock to our enlightenment. Whether it’s finding success, or finding that heart connection that makes our soul sing imploring us to be a better person, great things will happen if we’re open to them, not expecting them.”