from the mind of critic-9/23/17

From the mind of critic: “If we don’t see the forest for the trees, do we hate the player and not the game? Do we feel the player is the guily one, because they make up the game? Do we feel the game is at fault, because it requires people to be players just to survive? If we don’t hate players or games, and can see the entire forest and all the trees, have we accepted love, peace, kindness and gratitude as concepts to live by? There might be less forests of trees these days, but there are way more players and games than at any point in history. It can be hard to differentiate between what’s fake and trying to tear us down, and what’s real and trying to build us up. Once we realize that getting to know ourselves involves erecting filters to let good things in and to block hurtful ones, we’ll see that once we consciously try to make our soul sing, it will belt out opera quality melodies. It’s not so much hating the player or the game, it’s about deleting hate from our vocabulary, and reigniting the love and kindness we may have ignored. What will we be thankful for, love or hate? What will help us consciously evolve?” 🙂