“From The Mind Of Critic: 2023 Jan.-June”

“From The Mind Of Critic: 2023 Jan.-June”

This is the ninth of many collections “From the Mind Of Critic.” The short essays can be flipped through randomly, or read in succession. They run the gamut of human emotions from love, to hate, to fear. Along with a healthy dose of politics, humanism, unity, accountability and truth, this collection will hopefully stir the pot just enough to start conversations. For if we simply talk to each other like human beings, we’d find that many of our generational issues can be solved. Emotions soften when fog lifts, making us realize we agree on a lot more than we disagree. We just need to get out of our own way, and remember, everything we need to know we learned in kindergarten.


Excerpts From MOC 2023 Jan.-June

“When the world mutates amongst the chaos that fills its challenges, change can be good or bad; but truth, while uncomfortable, is how we become the people we always knew we could be.”

“Authenticity and truth will reign once again, when we stop waiting for it to happen, but consciously act to usher it in.”

“Being guided in the right direction, requires synergy between our heart, mind and soul; which simply means, be here now, or we won’t be here later.”

“We may not know where we’re going, but our heart and soul will guide our mind in the right direction.”

“When we learn lessons, and not dwell on having to learn them, we step forward and never look back.”

“We are the people we’ve been waiting for, it’s time we start acting like it.”

“Real change is a pebble in a pond that ripples out, we must always remember, we’re the pebble.”

“the more we push conscious evolution forward, the less we allow ignorance to drag us back into battles we’ve already won.”

“We’re strong enough to know kindness and empathy aren’t weakness, they’re the lifesaving elixir we’ve been waiting for.”

“Introspection leads to peace of mind, which leads to doors continuously opening because we’re finally ready to walk through.”

“The greatest gift in life, is when we realize we still have the ability to surprise ourselves.”

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