“From The Mind Of Critic: 2023 July-Dec.”

“From The Mind Of Critic: 2023 July-Dec.”

This is the tenth of many collections “From the Mind Of Critic.” The short essays can be flipped through randomly, or read in succession. They run the gamut of human emotions from love, to hate, to fear. Along with a healthy dose of politics, humanism, unity, accountability and truth, this collection will hopefully stir the pot just enough to start conversations. For if we simply talk to each other like human beings, we’d find that many of our generational issues can be solved. Emotions soften when fog lifts, making us realize we agree on a lot more than we disagree. We just need to get out of our own way, and remember, everything we need to know we learned in kindergarten.

Excerpts From MOC 2023 July-Dec.

“Smiles and laughter are the best medicine, they remind our soul that goodness still exists, and that humanity can still flourish.

“The immeasurable beauty of the world, is only beautiful when we recognize it as such.”

“To truly be the change we want to see, we need to hold ourselves accountable and responsible; or the true justice we seek will remain but a fleeting illusion, to be pursued, but never attained.”

“Respect is a two way street that’s guaranteed to produce a head on collision, when it’s viewed as a one lane highway.”

“Hear a lie long enough and we’ll believe it. However, hear truths long enough and we’ll believe them; turning us into the gaslighting extinguishers we were always meant to be.”

“Conversations start the unifying process, so an old man’s war stops being fought by young men; not because of destruction, but because of creation.

“We need to be students of the past, while living in the present, so we have a fighting chance of walking into the future.

“True strength, is unrelenting kindness and empathy.”

“Black and white thinking convinces us humanity is finite, gray thinking opens us up to ever increasing learning experiences.”

“Choice is important and powerful, it’s time we use that power, before its whittled away by continuous silence.”

“When we evolve past black and white thinking, into the Kodachrome structure of the world, we become who we were always meant to be.

“Achieving common ground isn’t simply walking a mile in each other’s shoes, it’s taking those shoes and making them our own, so we can all walk together.”

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