from the mind of critic-8/23/18

From the mind of critic: “Is there any difference in being stuck between a rock and a hard place, and a rock and a soft place? Does a soft place afford us some wiggle room, where a hard place doesn’t? Are we kidding ourselves when we try differentiating between a hard and soft place, because however we slice it we’re still stuck? Are we stuck by immobilizing and immovable objects, or is it an illusion, where out better judgement and critical thinking is infested with self sabotage, convincing us we’re stuck? Being stuck, denotes a loss of hope that things will ever get better. That because we’re cemented in a certain situation we couldn’t leave if we wanted, we’re unable to improve our current status. Balancing what’s possible with what’s self sabotage, is one of the hardest things we’ll ever do. This involves getting to know ourselves by defining our limitations, and what we can acheive when we get out of our own way. This process is always difficult, because it involves admitting to ourselves what we haven’t wanted to. Once we realize the difference between a physical block we can’t change, and an emotional one we can, we’ll see that we can change alot more situations than we can’t, if we’re willing to endure short term pain and misery, so we’re open to receive long term satisfaction and joy. Change is hard, but being stuck is harder. Mind games are only fun, if they increase consciousness. Balance is acheivedthrough knowledge. Losing hope is giving up, gaining hope is letting go.” 🙂
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